A Much More Imaginative Movie Playing Inside my Head

     I love reading. Those who know me, know this to be true. It's always been a passion of mine. For those who don't consider themselves bookworms it's hard to understand why a person wants to read so much. Why not just turn on the TV? Watch a movie? Better yet watch the movie of the book you are reading! I know - it's hard to understand, but I'm a person who says why not read instead of watching tv or playing a video game.
     I love going to a book store and searching for a book. I'll wander around all the sections. I usually start with YA, head over to mystery, then fiction, and see where I go from there. I won't lie - I judge a book by it's cover. It's the way it is, no use in lying about it. I like the smell of books, the weight of books - everything about books. I love going in to libraries and being surrounded but so many books, so many choices, so many stories. Only problem there is I like to keep the books I read. I have a love/hate relationship with the library. I love the books, they hate that when I keep them.
     The part that is so hard to explain to people is why I love reading. The simplest way I can explain it is - I have a great imagination. When I'm reading a book, it's playing in my head like a movie. This is probably the reason why, over the years, I've started reading books faster and faster. I want to see what is going to happen! There are times when I just can't put down a book. Dinner or sleeping will just have to wait until I get to the next chapter. For as long as I can remember I would have to set alarms or designate a time to stop reading. I'm glad I have a cell phone with an alarm on it because I get so caught up in my book sometimes I forget to look up at the clock. Not all books are like this for me, but I love the ones that are. The reason I decided to write this blog is because I'm nearing the end of one of those amazing books, The Hunger Games. It's a book we are reading for book club. At first I thought - 'eh I'm not going to like this book as much as I thought I was, then about a chapter later I was SUCKED in! This is an amazingly good book! I can see it all playing out in my head, the tall trees, the streams, the big open field, the rock cave, the leaves they are chewing to put on the stings! I can see it all so clearly. I am trying to savior the rest of the book because I know it will end soon and we are not reading the second book in the series until Feb and the third in March (seriously - this may kill me). And in my time of trying to savor it and not finish it in the next hour I've decided to write this blog. Maybe, those who didn't understand my love, now will, or potentially you know think I'm insane. Either way I'm going to finish the book now!

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  1. My girls are all making me crack up laughing today. I love your alarms, and I completley understand what you mean.

  2. totally. read. my. mind. ♥ ps- love your alarms.

  3. I.LOVE. HUNGER GAMES. I read all three books in a week...there is NO WAY I could wait three months!!! I'm actually looking forward to the movies though...I've heard they will be pretty true to the book (unlike Twilight).

    I love your alarms! Too funny.

    I haven't been reading much because I'm the same way as you...I CAN'T STOP. Which is tough with my crazy mobile baby these days lol How do you do it with H?


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