How is it diagnosed?
The only way a positive diagnosis of Endo can be made currently is via surgery, either a laparoscopy or the more invasive laparotomy, where biopsies are taken from suspected sites. It can also be visualized during surgery if the surgeon knows what to look for. Ultrasounds, MRIs, CT Scans and other diagnostic tests are not conclusive. The ERC does not support "medical diagnoses," such as administering GnRH therapy prior to a surgical diagnosis.
How Can it be Managed?
The most effective thing an Endo patient can do is to find a specialist who treats the disease, such as an experienced gynecologist with a history of treating Endo patients, or if infertility is a concern, a reproductive endocrinologist. Form a partnership with this professional, in which you make informed decisions regarding your treatment plan together. Endo is a serious disease which requires serious treatment.
The only way a positive diagnosis of Endo can be made currently is via surgery, either a laparoscopy or the more invasive laparotomy, where biopsies are taken from suspected sites. It can also be visualized during surgery if the surgeon knows what to look for. Ultrasounds, MRIs, CT Scans and other diagnostic tests are not conclusive. The ERC does not support "medical diagnoses," such as administering GnRH therapy prior to a surgical diagnosis.
How Can it be Managed?
The most effective thing an Endo patient can do is to find a specialist who treats the disease, such as an experienced gynecologist with a history of treating Endo patients, or if infertility is a concern, a reproductive endocrinologist. Form a partnership with this professional, in which you make informed decisions regarding your treatment plan together. Endo is a serious disease which requires serious treatment.
Surgical Management includes hysterectomy and excision, fulguration, cauterization, ablation or other means of destroying implants
Medications such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and synthetic hormones
Alternative medicine, acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage techniques, and dietary measures. Additionally, while not a cure for the disease, exercise (as indicated and advised under the guidance of a trained professional who is familiar with your condition), good nutrition, and adopting a generally healthy lifestyle may significantly improve symptoms.
Aren't hysterectomies or pregnancies the cure?
No. At this time, there is no cure for this disease.
Can Endometriosis be prevented?
There is no current manner of preventing Endometriosis, and it is not a disease which is "contracted" or "caused" by anything the patient did - nor is it contagious. It is, however, highly suspected to be genetic.
Aren't hysterectomies or pregnancies the cure?
No. At this time, there is no cure for this disease.
Can Endometriosis be prevented?
There is no current manner of preventing Endometriosis, and it is not a disease which is "contracted" or "caused" by anything the patient did - nor is it contagious. It is, however, highly suspected to be genetic.
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