Book Chat: Book Choosing

     This video by Misty made me really sad. I never want to get to the place where I won't have the time to read for pleasure. Sure, I love reviewing books, but I hope to never get to a place where I feel guilty for reading something I want to read over the pile that is next to my bed. I guess what I'm saying is I don't want reading to become my job, to become a chore. It's the same reason why I didn't want to pursue a carrier having to due with writing. I never want my love for those two things to be sucked out of it by deadlines and such.
     Now on to the question - How do you choose your book? I have to say that over the years things haven't really changed on how I choose my books. I am pretty superficial, I usually pick a book based on it's cover. I know, I know - how can someone who loves literature pick based on the cover?! It's just the way it is. Sometimes I pick a book based on the title. I walk through the bookstore or library just waiting for a book to jump out at me. Other then that I read books based on recommendations from friends, goodreads, or 'booktubers' (people who make youtube videos about books). Not such an interesting answer but it's mine, what is yours?

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