Spotlight Saturday - Emmmabooks and Diversity Bingo

     This week I want to spotlight one of my favorite booktubers and the reading challenge she is participating in this year. What is a booktuber you ask? In short, a booktuber is a person who posts videos on YouTube about the books they read. Emma of emmmabooks is a 20 year old book enthusiast. I've always appreciated how passionate she is about the books she reads but this year she is also participating in the Diversity Bingo Reading Challenge, which I think is awesome! This challenge is to help people read more diverse books and also read more "own voice" books. "Own Voice" is when authors are writing about their own experiences or their characters take on traits that they have. Emma's latest video, February Wrap Up, features a lot of diverse books that sound amazing and have gone on my to be read list. If you are not following her you definitely should be! 
