An Apocalypse and a Fairy Tale

You'll notice for yet another week Year One is on my Friday reads. I have been struggling with picking up an actual book and reading it. My ADD seems to be completely out of control lately and in order for me to pay attention to one thing, I have to be doing something else as well. That's why the majority of my books this month have been audiobooks. While I listen to them I have been cooking or playing games on my phone. I WILL get through this book. It's not that I don't like it, I do, it's just my brain is acting up right now and making it difficult for me. 

Another book I hope to at least start this weekend is The Curse of Maleficent. I'm hoping Haleigh will want to read it with me. She's in the middle of a book though so I'm not sure she will. Either way, I think it will be a fun easy read. I've flipped through a few of the pages and the art that goes with it is amazing. 

What are you reading today and this weekend?
