February's monthly reading wrap-up is coming a little late and not nearly as productive as last month but still a pretty good month.
This book was good. I didn't love it but it was good enough that I am curious about the next book in the series. Up until the last page, I wasn't sure I was going to continue the trilogy but I have to because of the cliffhanger we were left on.
These books were AMAZING! Seriously I love this whole world and Lizard.. oh how I love Lizard. She stole my heart.
4.5 stars. This book. This author. I have no words. I absolutely LOVE this world. There are three more books that take place in this world and then that's it. The author dealt with something traumatic and couldn't continue anymore in a world that was filled with so much love. My heart is breaking because I don't want to let go. I feel like this is a series I will be listening to over and over again.
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