Endometriosis Awareness - Common Sites of Endo

Endometriosis has been found in nearly every part of the body, however, it is not common to find endo on the brain. Let's talk about what are some common places. 

"The most common sites of endometriosis include:

The ovaries

The fallopian tubes

Ligaments that support the uterus (uterosacral ligaments)

The posterior cul-de-sac, i.e., the space between the uterus and rectum

The anterior cul-de-sac, i.e., the space between the uterus and bladder

The outer surface of the uterus

The lining of the pelvic cavity

Occasionally, endometrial tissue is found in other places, such as:

The Intestines

The rectum

The bladder

The vagina

The cervix

The vulva

Abdominal surgery scars"
