Endometriosis Awareness - Stages

There are four stages of Endometriosis.


"A staging, or classification, system for endometriosis has been developed by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. The stages are classified as follows:

Stage 1: Minimal

Stage 2: Mild

Stage 3: Moderate

Stage 4: Severe

The stage of endometriosis is based on the location, amount, depth and size of the endometrial tissue. Specific criteria include:

The extent of the spread of the tissue

The involvement of pelvic structures in the disease

The extent of pelvic adhesions

The blockage of the fallopian tubes

The stage of the endometriosis does not necessarily reflect the level of pain experienced, risk of infertility or symptoms present. For example, it is possible for a woman in stage 1 to be in tremendous pain, while a woman in stage 4 may be asymptomatic." John Hopkins Medicine

I have been reminded over and over, by many doctors, to not stress the stage of my endometriosis (stage 2 - first surgery, stage 1 - second surgery) because the amount of endo does not correlate with the amount of pain from it. It is a hard concept to grasp especially since I am stage 1 and have a ridiculous amount of pain and I have known people who are stage 4 and had minimal pain.
